Cantidades indefinidas e incompletas
Some y any pueden emplearse con nombres contables e incontables para describir una cantidad indefinida o incompleta.
Uso de "some"
Some puede utilizarse en oraciones descriptivas.
- I had some rice for lunch.
- He got some books from the library.
- I will have some news next week.
- Philip wants some help with his exams.
- There is some butter in the fridge.
Some también se usa en oraciones interrogativas cuando creemos conocer la respuesta. .
- Did he give you some tea? = Yo creo que sí.
- Is there some fruit juice in the fridge? = Yo creo que sí.
- Would you like some help? = Probablemente sí.
- Will you have some roast beef? = Probablemente sí.
Some también se usa en oraciones interrogativas para solicitar u ofrecer algo.
- Could I have some books, please?
- Why don't you take some apples home with you?
- Would you like some tea?
- Will you have some cake?
Uso de "any"
Any se usa en oraciones interrogativas cuando no conocemos la respuesta.
- Do you have any friends in London?
- Do they have any children?
- Do you want any groceries from the shop?
- Are there any problems with your work?
Any también se usa con not para formar oraciones negativas. En ellas, any enfatiza la negación para hacerla más firme.
- She doesn't want any kitchen appliances for Christmas.
- They don't need any help moving to their new house.
- I don't want any cake.
- There isn't any reason to complain.